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First project initiated

“Lights in the Dark” for 10,000 families in Tripoli


Tripoli is the second largest city and operates the second largest harbour in Lebanon. Due to the Beirut blast from Aug, 4th, 2020, the harbour is now the largest one in operation in Lebanon. About 800,000 people are living in the metropolitan area of Tripoli.

Tripoli is known for its cultural richness due to the various influences throughout the centuries. There have been many influences from the Umayyad, Abbasid and Fatimid period, the Crusaders, the Mamluk and the Ottoman period.

Nonetheless, Tripoli today is the poorest city of the whole Mediterranean Sea. The population suffers from not being able to cover basic needs. Electricity – if any – is only available for a few hours per day. At some stage in autumn, the Lebanese electricity provider Électricié du Liban even shut down all its energy production.


This project’s scope targets individuals, families and local communities. Our aim is to provide light during the night time. Because when there is no light, there is no active life. Light enables individuals and families to continue basic habits like sitting together, reading, and writing in the evening. Due to its nature, this project is very sustainable as it compensates the collapsed electricity in small scales at no costs for the power consumption.

We will be providing key solutions consisting of small solar panels incl. a battery and an LED-light. Depending on the selected appliance, the light could fit indoor, outdoor or as a street light. During sunshine times, the devices are charged and can provide light in the dark; see example pictures for various appliances underneath.

As it is small in the size for the single unit, we aim to provide this support to a larger number of beneficiaries. The local requirements are limited to the space for the solar panel and somebody to do the fitting. For street light devices, availability and access to street masts are needed.

The economic and social situation in Lebanon has exacerbated over the last years. One of the consequences: access to basic services like energy, water and communication is disrupted, even interrupted. The Lebanese diaspora is mobilized to help families and friends. Considering the political and institutional situation in Lebanon, PPLEB’s approach builds on three principles: from people for people; small is beautiful; social and environmental sustainability is key. As a consequence, the technical solutions chosen build on renewable energy.

The next step aims at (1) conducting a project screening and scoping/pre-feasibility analysis in order to assess impact and feasibility of the projects and choose a first project that will be realized first quarter of 2022 with project partners in Lebanon.

There are variations of the appliances that could also be used to charge third devices like smartphones or tablets.

Maintenance efforts during lifetime are small to none. This implies nearly no risk for the installation and none for the operation.

Pilot Project

A first pilot project to evaluate the projects plausibility will be in the range of 500 to 1,000 units.

Future Project Scope

Based on this first experience and possible adaptions, we will then scale the project with a target of supporting 10,000 households in Tripoli.